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Personalize Your Children's Library and Inspire Reading During School Library Month

Personalize Your Children's Library and Inspire Reading During School Library Month
By Alanna Zelinski April 5, 2019

Books can take you anywhere!

Often one of a child’s favorite memories, reading books is a wonderful way to experience the world, no passport required! To celebrate School Library Month this April and National Library Week, from April 7 to April 13, we’ve compiled some tips and literary information to help you keep reading ‘FUN-damentally’ at the forefront for curious children everywhere.

Choose the Perfect Book

Introducing children to a wide variety of genres will grow their enthusiasm for reading and take them on grand adventures along the way! Here’s just a sampling of what’s filling those shelves:

Fiction | History | Mystery | Fantasy | Sci-Fi |Poetry | Biography | Autobiography

Even children’s magazines offer a terrific opportunity for young readers to learn about current events and the world around them.

Books Aren’t Just Paper Anymore

While there’s nothing like the smell of a book or the feel of those pages turning, books have reached the space age! With audio books and the lot of interactive books and apps available for just about any portable electronic device, there’s sure to be a form of reading to entice even the most hesitant reader.

Scholastic, the largest and most recognized publisher of children’s books around the globe, has chosen six top reading apps to keep your child reading whether at home, at school, or on the go!

Tickatok StorySpark – From Barnes & Noble, children can write and publish their own stories and illustrations.

Bookster – Perfect for discovering new literary works, here children can record themselves reading their favorites!

Tales2Go – Here you’ll find more than 1,000 stories sorted by age, genre, and more! Children can create favorites lists to return to time and again. A Parents’ Choice Gold Award winner.

A Story Before Bed – With a library of 300+ stories, here you can create recorded video of story time for children to watch whenever they like, even when you’re not there.

TouchyBooks – Perfect for children of all ages, this app combines animation, music, sound effects, and flip book usability for a fully interactive, immersive, and engaging experience!

MeeGenius – Perfectly personalized, this app lets children substitute their names in place of favorite characters and includes audio playback as well as the option to highlight words that need a bit of extra practice.

Keep Your Library Organized

Schools are full of fantastic libraries. From a school library lined with rows of books and other reading materials to classroom libraries filled with favorites for students to share, books offer a wonderland of possibilities. Keep your library filled and ready for reading by stamping each book with a thoughtfully designed stamp to kindly remind borrowers to return their books for others to enjoy!

Creating playroom libraries or inviting reading nooks are wonderful ways to encourage children of all ages to love and care for their favorite books. Add a beanbag chair or a mini tent, proper lighting, and a shelf or two of favorites, old and new, and your little one will want to spend hours lost in the pages of her latest adventure. Add an extra special touch by imprinting each cover page with a personalized library stamp that features your child’s name, sure to bring miles of smiles with the opening of every book.

Make Reading Fun!

Whether the assignment is weekly reading, summer reading, or required reading, make tracking your child’s progress fun and interactive by creating reading charts that allow children to stamp their progress along the way. Use charts that reflect a season, a holiday, or even the genre of books to be read. Let you little bookworm choose which stamp to use each time a book is complete.

In the words of beloved children's author Dr. Seuss, "You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book!"