Custom Signature Stamps
Custom Signature Stamps
Looking for a signature stamp for checks or frequent document signing? Streamline your paperwork and simplify check-signing with our personalized signature stamps. Available with custom options to suit your needs – including your logo, initials, or a built-in date stamp! Simply upload an image of your signature, and we’ll craft a high-quality, durable stamp for effortless and professional signing every time.
Shop Our Most Popular Signature Stamp Categories
Easily fill out important documents at your place of business with custom signature stamps. Take less time signing each individual document by simply stamping your unique signature on the dotted line. Whether you need a stamp that includes initials, date, or a logo, we have the signature stamps perfect for executing your daily tasks.
Signature or Initial Stamps
Our signature and initial stamps are a great solution for signing checks or other places where your space is limited. Signature stamps can serve as a legal form of signing documents and can allow you to assign an authorized representative.
Signature with Date Stamps
Our signature with date stamps are ideal for use in financial institutions, accounting departments, and much more.
Signature Stamps with Printed Name
For easy readability, we offer signature stamps with an additional printed version of your name. This option is also ideal for business documents that require a signature and a printed name.
Signature with Logo Stamps
Use our signature logo stamps to showcase your brand in an easy and professional manner. Your clients will never have to look twice at your signature with it being stamped and your logo being present.
How to Turn Your Signature Into a Stamp
To turn your signature into a stamp, first sign your name on a piece of white paper using a black pen for high contrast. Then, scan or take a high-resolution photo of your signature and upload it as a cdr, jpg, png, jpeg, or pdf file.
Signature Stamp FAQs & Resources
Check out some of our signature stamp resources to learn more:

Is Your Signature Stamp Legal?
Find out when and where it is appropriate to use your custom signature stamp as a legal form of authorization. Plus, read over common protocols, rules and legal regulations that involve stamping your signature.

All About Custom Name Stamps
Learn everything you need to know about custom name stamps! This all-in-one guide includes details on the different types of name stamps, as well as common and creative ways to put your signature stamp to use.

How To Turn Your Signature Into A Stamp
Read our step-by-step guide on how to turn your signature into a custom stamp. Easily create your own signature stamp by following these simple steps, or watch and follow along with a guided instructional video!