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How to Get Organized for a New School Year

How to Get Organized for a New School Year
By Alanna Ritchie August 1, 2018
Many parents scramble to get life in order before the busyness of school kicks off in the fall. To-do lists quickly grow and get out of control. You try to remember it all. Your to-do list includes tasks like: Make sure immunizations are current. Finish and submit registration forms. Attend the elementary school open house and meet-the-teacher night. Take the kids shopping for new clothes and school supplies. Then the first day of school is right around the corner and you feel completely swamped.

One way to combat the busy back-to-school blues is to bolster your organization system with an efficient and effective strategy. Here are some basic tips to stay organized as the Fall 2018 school year approaches:

Make Your Calendar Your Survival Guidebook

Choose a planning system that works for you and commit to it. Your plan could be using a large desk calendar synced with an app on your phone. You might prefer a monthly chalkboard mounted on the fridge where you can easily add soccer practice, birthday parties and school holidays. Then, some moms go with the classic weekly planner that’s perfect for tossing in a purse to keep it nearby at all times.

Once you’ve chosen your calendar, it’s time to start filling it with your upcoming engagements. If your calendar is on your laptop, find a cozy spot in the house and arm yourself with a good cup of coffee (or rosé). With your school calendar open, you can begin putting critical dates on the calendar. Don’t leave anything out. Include doctor’s appointments, dance class, holidays, paper-work deadlines and which days you will head out for back-to-school shopping trips.

As you do your back-to-school shopping, think about more than just pants that fit or trendy shirts. Check your children’s closets to see what you can still use or throw out. You can make sure that nothing gets left behind at school or lost by adding a stamp with your child’s name to each article of clothing. From laundry planning to consider the whole wardrobe, you can schedule small ways to stay ahead of the game.

Think Like You Are Running a Business

The business of parenting is a full-time, all-hands-on-deck, don’t-skip-a-beat level job. Getting ready for the school year is like your website launch, new brand reveal or busy season. The demand is high, but you can conquer it better when you are prepared. What research can you do to prepare for the coming months? What small goals can you a write down now and then cross off, one at a time?

You can opt to think like a teacher or business owner. Track your goals, accomplishments and errands. Cross each off item when it is complete. In addition to to-do lists, you can decorate your walls with phrases that inspire you. It’s important for everyone to stay motivated – teachers, students and parents alike. Savor the momentum of each accomplishment by ordering motivational stamps. Have fun with the smiley face stamp and the 100% stamp. These playful designs can be used when your student brings home their graded homework as well as when you want to leave notations in your own calendar.

Another professional and savvy way to improve your organization is by tackling bills and other paperwork. Streamline your paperwork with a PAID, handy dater, and signature stamp. Distinguish priority and completed bills with a classic PAID stamp. Dater stamps are great for adding deadlines to your documents and calendar. You can also have a signature stamp made in just the size you need. Whether you’re writing checks, keeping up with correspondence or approving homework, a signature stamp is an efficient tool for speeding things up!

Make Time for Fun

With the full schedule in front of you, it can still be easy to feel overwhelmed. You might need to add a massage and extra yoga class for you to recharge your batteries. Maybe having a date night or girl’s wine night set up for next month will help you charge through the next few weeks with some light at the end of the tunnel. Having something to look forward can give you the peace of mind that will help you you’re your life in order.

With your treat yourself plans complete, take a few extra moments to give your calendar a little flair. Your weekly planner will be more fun to look out with some color coordination, stickers or stamps. Art isn’t just for the littles! Craft stamps and vibrant stickers are great ways to liven up the look of routine planning. For example, you could use a pumpkin stamp to highlight the first day of fall! You can reward yourself with a positive affirmation when you have hashtag nailed it stamp to use once you knock out errands.

With these nice flourishes, you will have a nice balance of errands and items to look forward to. Organizing for the school year can pay-off as you get to enjoy each moment as it comes. Just remember to take a tip from the teachers and make your life lesson plans ahead of time.

Posted in: Teacher Stamps