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Dreaming of a white Christmas? To celebrate the approaching winter season, we've designed our Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp! Just right for seasonal use this nifty 1" x 2.5" self-inking stamper will be just what you will need to get through the Holiday season! Purchase your new Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp here!
SKU: 1011162
Design SKU: holiday_234
Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp
Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp Details Scatter some Holiday cheer with this new Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp! Great for sending out Holiday gifts, you'll be thankful to have it in the wintertime period for sure! We know how stressful the Holiday's can be for those solo on the holidays as well as whole households, this is why we produced this compact stamp to help get you through it! Adeptly manufactured in our US production plants, our Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp will make a nice stocking stuffer for a loved one or even to yourself. Our exceptional stamp will carry on for quite a few years to come! Purchase your Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp here!
Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp


  1 Review(s)

Customer Reviews:
Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp
Nice Art

I love the design, but the rubber isn't etched deep enough -- it's easy to stamp the lines of the border edges of the stamp onto the paper.

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Dotted Rectangle Christmas Tree Address Stamp
   1   Review(s)